
Type to heat, typing faster increasing the temperature.

Rocket League

A countdown to the game we love, a ball flying into the opponents net, a goal explosion going off, all on repeat, to help you win your Rocket League match. Can switch between orange and blue team, to have your keyboard match the team you are currently on.

I made this profile for my Corsair K65 Lux RGB Keyboard, so I am not sure what other devices work with this profile. Please let me know what keyboard you tried this profile on, and whether or not it worked.

Will be updating the video soon, to show the orange side as well.


A profile inspired by a beach that when you press a key there will be waves

Destiny 2 Elemental Damage

Elemental Damage colors from Destiny 2 for LL120 RGB series fans, RGB Expansion strips and LS100 smart lighting kit with four external strips.

3x LL120 RGB fans
4x RGB Strips
8x LS100

If this profile is compatible with more devices please comment and confirm. Then I can edit and add additional devices.