Cheat Sheet


"Hi, I'm a programmer, and I often use an editor called VIM. VIM is a complex text editor that have a lot of shortcuts and you can do almost everything you want to text in a lot of ways. I'd like a profile on my k70 RGB that highlights the shortcuts while I'm working :)"

Dark Matter

A dark and mysterious profile.


"I would like to see a dark matter effect similar to this: , but for all corsair devices. Love your vids!"

"I would love to see a dark matter profile like this one, the download in this video does not work. So i was hoping you guys could make one."

Ambient Lava


"I was wondering if you could make a profile that's somewhat like lava, except a base orange colour that pulses perhaps? Basically, I'd just like a slow, ambient profile."


I would like a rgb profile that is about love and romance as im trying to impress a girl i like in a unique way